For copies of the 2022 IPA firm rankings, customized reprints and pricing information, please contact Chelsea Summers at [email protected]. Purchase any of the 2022 National Practice Management Benchmarking Reports to stay up to date with the gold standard data of analysis for the profession. If you would like a PDF copy of the IPA 500, including highlights and KPIs, 500 Rankings by revenue, Fastest-Growing Firms and Year-Over-Year Trends, click below to view our benchmarking offerings. If you want to request a wider IP range, first request access for your current IP, and then use the “Site Feedback” button found in the lower left-hand side to make the request.
Not all counties require or allow a Sole Proprietorship to file a DBA certificate. Firm owners are required to know the laws that apply in their respective counties. After filing the firm’s DBA certificate in their local county (where required), the firm applies to the Professional Corporations Unit for a registration. Firms are only authorized to use the words “certified public accountant” or “certified public accountants” or the letters “CPA” or “CPAs” in connection with its name unless all shareholders, owners, and partners are certified public accountants.
What all the Best of the Best have in common is a focus on operational and financial excellence. Leaders don’t get so caught up in the day-to-day routine that they overlook the what is public accounting basics of running a business and running it well. They watch their numbers and keep a steady eye on their growth goals, all while maintaining a positive work environment.
Our list is designed to provide an even playing field to recognize the valuable work that drives our industry forward. Continuing a tradition built over nearly three decades, INSIDE Public Accounting annually names the top-performing firms in North America as the IPA Best of the Best. The IPA Best of the Best can serve multiple industries over a national footprint or a single industry from one office with one partner and a few staff. “The Pun Group’s inclusion in IPA’s Top 500 is an immense honor and a reflection of the hard work, dedication, and innovative solutions our team has consistently provided to our clients,” said Kenneth Pun, Managing Partner at The Pun Group. “Our firm is committed to service excellence, and this recognition underlines our success in providing high-quality services that meet the diverse needs of our clients.”
Since 1951, clients have chosen Marcum for our insightful guidance in helping them forge pathways to success, whatever challenges they’re facing. The full analysis of the nearly 600 public accounting firms will be published in September in IPA’s annual National Practice Management Benchmarking Report. The September issue of the subscription-based IPA newsletter includes the annual IPA Best of the Best firms, those high-performers at the top of their game, along with IPA’s Fastest-Growing Firms from across the nation.
Isolate key areas for improvement through IPA’s firm report card, which outlines 20 key performance indicators – specific to your firm – compared to all other firms participating in the IPA Practice Management Survey and firms in your revenue band. INSIDE Public Accounting’s prestigious Best of the Best list honors top-performing CPA firms in North America based on comprehensive performance metrics. IPA also ranks and provides key data on the IPA Top 500, which ranks firms from No. 101 ($47.0 million) to No. 500 ($4.6 million).
Our professionals have been working with government contractors for over 40 years. The food and beverage industry is experiencing opportunities and challenges like never before. Marcum is dedicated to assisting construction contractors with personalized and attentive service, strong technical expertise, and uncompromising integrity. The constantly changing regulatory environment has created unique challenges to broker-dealers.
The Marcum Three-Year Nursing Home Statistical Review examines an unprecedented and deeply challenging time for the nursing home industry shaped by the COVID pandemic.